Netherlands: Transport sector dubious about road pricing for trucks
22.09.2017 Netherlands: Transport sector dubious about road pricing for trucksHet Financieele Dagblad, 22 Sep 2017, online:-
The Dutch transport sector is dubious about the idea of road pricing for trucks, which only the VVD political party has said it will not consider. Sector organisation Transport en Logistiek Nederland (TLN) has said that it is worried about a charge which affects only trucks and not all road users, and called for a pilot project to assess the effects. EvoFenedex, the sector organisation for exporters and shippers said that the charge would just add to the costs of freight without solving any problems. Koninklijk Nederlands Vervoer's Ad Toet said that road pricing for trucks was a logical idea in some ways, but that it would have to be accepted that it would increase transport costs.
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