Sweden: Call for stricter regulations for combined and cabotage transports
09.10.2017 Sweden: Call for stricter regulations for combined and cabotage transportsSvensk Åkeritidning, 09 Oct 2017, online:-
The Swedish Association of Road Companies (Sveriges Åkeriföretag) has provided its consultation response to the governmental proposal regarding changes to the Swedish Posting of Workers Act. The association argues that the proposed changes regarding obligatory controls of reports to the Swedish Work Environment Authority (Arbetsmiljöverket) need to cover both cabotage and combined transports. John Woxström, lawyer at the Association, comments that the goal is to counteract the unfair competitive situation, where Swedish companies have to pay significantly more than foreign competitors. He adds that the association wants Swedish police and customs officers to be given authority to stop transports from continuing, should they not be reported to the Work Environment Authority.
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