Sweden: Extended shuttle agreement between Ovako and Green Cargo


Sweden: Extended shuttle agreement between Ovako and Green Cargo
Transportnet.se, 19 Apr 2017, online:-
Swedish steel company Ovako and Swedish railway transport company Green Cargo have extended their agreement concerning the shuttle solution Smeboxpendeln, which runs between Smedjebacken and Boxholm, and Hälleforspendeln, which runs between Hofors and Hällefors, for an additional three years. Switching and wagon loading services at Ovako's factory are included in the agreement. The extent of the shuttle solution amounts to five cycles a week all year round, in which steel materials are transported in one direction and scrap for recycling in the other. Bengt-Åke Johansson, Key Account Manager at Green Cargo, says that the two companies have created a new concept for load beds that makes the rolling stock better adapted to Ovako's needs.
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