Sweden: Kaunis Iron to restart mining in Kaunisvaara mine
23.11.2017 Sweden: Kaunis Iron to restart mining in Kaunisvaara mineATL - Lantbrukets affärstidning (PDF), 23 Nov 2017, online:-
The Swedish mining company Kaunis Iron has acquired the bankruptcy-declared Kaunisvaara mine in Pajala for SEK 100mn (EUR 10.49mn USD 12.53mn) and announced that mining operations will resume in the summer of 2018. Anders Sundström, chairman at Kaunis Iron, says that the company has received SEK 540mn from investors. Transportation of the iron ore will be managed by truck from Tornedalen to Svappavaara. These truck transports were previously carried out by Cliffton Mining, a subsidiary of Swedish construction material supplier Swerock. Cliffton seeks to win the contract for handling the transports again. The mine will initially be pumped dry and require about 30 to 40 employees. As the mine is fully operational, it may employ 300-350 people. Kaunisvaara mine was declared bankrupt in 2014.
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