Sweden: Port of Gothenburg criticises proposal from Transport Administration
30.11.2017 Sweden: Port of Gothenburg criticises proposal from Transport AdministrationSjöfarts Tidningen, 30 Nov 2017, online:-
The Port of Gothenburg has presented its response to a national plan proposed by the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) for the period 2018-2019. The port express concerns over the fact that the Administration has excluded the proposed fairway extension at the port and instead labelled it as a potential issue. Magnus Kårestedt, CEO at the Port of Gothenburg, states that due to a doubling in size of the largest vessels to Asia, fairways need to be expanded as well if the Swedish industries are to remain relevant at global growth markets. The port refers to figures from the Swedish Transport Administration and the Swedish Maritime Administration (Sjöfartsverket), which show that improved fairways would be a positive factor to the societal economy. Kårestedt states that the port will continue to argue for its case until the Swedish government makes its final decision in the spring of 2018.
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