Germany: CargoLine cooperates with digital start-up firms


Germany: CargoLine cooperates with digital start-up firms
Deutsche Verkehrs-Zeitung, 10 Oct 2017, online:-
The German logistics company CargoLine has announced that it has entered into two new partnerships with the German start-up firms InstaFreight and Garage 33. CargoLine has been working with the digital forwarding firm InstaFreight for the past few months. Through the cooperation the companies want to jointly develop new offers as well as to make the placement and handling of shipments simpler, faster and more transparent than traditional freight exchanges. CargoLine has just entered into a three-year cooperation with the digital consultancy firm Garage 33 which will begin at the start of 2018. Through the partnership managers at CargoLine will be made available for coaching from Garage 33. CargoLine's aim is to discover new approaches to digitisation as well as to develop new business ideas.
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