Germany: Duisburger Hafen preparing for digital future


Germany: Duisburger Hafen preparing for digital future
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 28 Oct 2017, Online:-
Following successful growth, Duisport, the company that operates Duis­bur­ger Ha­fen, the port in Duisburg, Germany, is preparing the port for the digital future with its Startport programme. The port, which has become a large logistics hub, will offer an area of 550 square metres at the inner harbour where start-up companies can develop logistics solutions. For companies in the programme, use of the port's infrastructure will be free for a year. The first company has already been found. This company has developed software for optimising crane controls and storage strategies in container terminals. Partners in the project are German steel and non-ferrous metal trader Klöckner & Co, German chemicals company Evonik and German economic development association Initiativkreis Ruhr.
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